Education Data Architecture (EDA)
Salesforce Education Data Architecture (EDA) is an open source framework for Higher Education Institutions using the Salesforce Platform.

Salesforce Education Data Architecture fundamentally alters the core data model of standard Salesforce & provides an out of the box academic structure. It forms the foundation on which other functionality sits, including Recruitment & Admissions, Student Services & Alumni & Advancement.
Admissions &
System (SIS)
Alumni &
Faculty & Staff
Salesforce Education Data Architecture (EDA)
Student / University Lifecycle: Prospect - Applicant - Student - Alumni - Business Contact
Everything on the Salesforce Platform
Everyone on the Salesforce Platform

Salesforce Student 360
Salesforce EDA is designed to put Students at the centre of the world, rather than organisations as with traditional B2B Salesforce. Contacts can have parent Administrative or Household Accounts, and then be affiliated & related to other accounts & contacts.
This core structure helps to provide flexibility to relate a Student to multiple Educational Institutions, University Departments, Academic Programs or other Contacts (e.g. Prospects, Influencers, Applicants, Students, Alumni, Faculty, Business Contacts etc).
Academic Structure
Education Data Architecture (EDA) comes with an out of the box data model for Academic Structure.
HE institutions can create records for Educational Institutions, University Departments, Academic Programs, Program Plans, Program Enrolments, Modules, Course Offerings, Course Connections, Facilities etc.
Students can then be related to these records in order to gain a complete picture of the student, there academic history, course status, interests, relationships etc.

Education Data Architecture ERD
The below diagram shows the latest Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) for Salesforce Education Data Architecture (EDA). The EDA framework is always evolving with new functionality so is subject to change at different times.